"Chris is the real deal. Original presentations that will grab your audiences and not let go. Highly recommended."
- Bob Cassidy
"Chris is a creative, original thinker and a truly great performer, his skills and talents mesmerized me. I highly recommend you all to see him in action."
- Uri Geller
"I'm a fan of Chris Rawlins. He knows how to create amazement and he will inspire you to do the same!"
- Marc Paul
Chris Rawlins is a 27-year old professional performer from England. Known for his workable methods and unique presentations, Chris has gained a strong reputation as a unique and original thinker. Join us in gaining insight into his creative process, and learn strong, one-of-a-kind magic that only Chris can deliver. Here's what you'll learn:
In this Order: How Chris really performs his chair test, finally tipped for the first time!
Reveal: A parlor or stage drawing duplication that's simple, elegant and sure to fool. For the first time, Chris gives tips on how to make your own gimmicks and where to find the best material to make this for under $5.
Drop Card: The original card effect where one spectator finds another spectator's thought-of card with their eyes closed.
Part Two: Learn Chris's super fooling ending to Drop Card that is completely hands-off and brings everything full circle.
Drop Card 2.0: Chris's go-to version of Drop Card from earlier in the lecture.
Scary Movie Extended: A modular, three-phase routine that is perfect for the walk-around performer.
I.D.D: An off-beat approach to the drawing duplication that you can perform over Skype and FaceTime.
This Belongs To: A star sign prediction.
The Single Truth: A simple, elegant method to learn and know something about your spectator.
Invisible Deck Safety Net: A presentation for the Invisible Deck that works without your saying a word.
Pseudo: A three-phase pseudo card-memory routine that you'll be doing in minutes.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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