Ben Cardall uses his unique capabilities of reading people and deducing clues to present himself as a mind reader extraordinaire. From popular releases such as "Sherlockian" and "Ratiocination," this Sherlock Holmes "obsessed" fan stands as a powerhouse in the world of mentalism. Borrowing from the Sherlockian ideas of deduction and sleuthing, Ben Cardall pushes the limits of reality and possibility with a skill set that he'll be sharing with us on his lecture At The Table! Here's what you'll learn:
Rainmen: Ben teaches you how to become a real life "Rain Man," then transfer that power to any one of your spectators!
Rainmen (Alternate Version): Name the exact position of up to two thought-of values.
Shuffleboard Imagery: Ben uses remote viewing to reveal information about a deck of cards. Without looking, he's able to determine the exact number of face up and face down cards. The spectator is also able to pull a packet and reveal how many of a chosen suit is in that packet.
Rainmen 2.0: Out of your hands; a deck is shuffled face up into face down, sprung into the air, and memorized completely as they fall to the ground. POSSIBLE TO DO WITH NO MEMORY WORK. Alternate handling taught as well for those who don't want a memory performance.
Speed Deduction: A system that allows you to deduce whatever information you like from your spectator, as well as a thought-of card.
Psychometric System Updated: A new bag that makes the handling virtually hands off and takes care of the 'sound' issue a few people had. Multiple routines and ideas taught.
Psy-Do: Solve any murder mystery your spectator presents to you.
3 Point Problem: Seemingly help your spectator immediately solve and feel better about any problem.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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