Alex Pandrea has surged to the cutting edge of sleight of hand magic. In a unique format, we'll explore the three facets of Alex's career. He began performing close-up at restaurants, where his material had to be quick, visual, and perfect for small groups. That evolved as Alex became immersed in the New York magic scene, where he expressed his sleight of hand and "move monkey" Zen. Then Alex's venue has shifted again to more formal performances useful in stand-up settings. In this lecture you will be able to explore EACH of these aspects of Alex's magic, in three sections of an exciting and jam-packed 2-hour lecture.
Arson: A stunning and practical routine that combines the "Kiss" plot with "Chicago Opener." There's fire, a selected card, and lots of mystery.
EliminACE: A gorgeous transposition of a selected card and the Ace of Spades. Direct, surprising, and with a cool plot line.
Mystery Card: A deceptive version of the mystery card using T.O.P. - a turnover pass variation that both forces a card and hides its back.
Two Card Reset: "Dr. Daley's Last Trick" remixed with Paul Harris' "Reset."
Four Quarters Bill Switch: Magick Balay's bill switch taught with his permission. This is, perhaps, the greatest and fastest bill switch you will ever see, and Alex will explain it in great detail.
Ambitious Card Routine and Theory: This is a MASTERCLASS in how to construct a multi-phase routine. Alex has whittled down the routine to its bare essentials, and the results are beautiful. More importantly, we get to see the "move" that Alex is known for - his Pass.
- Sugar Packet
- Johnny's Travels
- Spring Control
- Palm to Palm Transfer
- Second Deal
- Two Card Transpo
Download the video and learn what
Alex Pandrea has to offer!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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