Jon Armstrong has made a living with his quick wit and a deck of cards for most of his life and the material in his exciting new download series is right out of his working repertoire. Learn how to turn boring card tricks into entertaining card magic!
Jon Armstrong has performed for some of the world's most prestigious audiences in over 30 countries worldwide. Growing up in Orlando, Florida, Jon became fascinated by the magic he saw in the theme parks around him and dreamed of one day having his own show. This dream came true when Disney asked him to bring his act to Epcot and he became the resident magician at Walt Disney World at the age of 20. Las Vegas was next as Jon became a recurring headliner at Caesar's Magical Empire. It was also during this time that he started touring around the world as both a performer and lecturer.
Jon now resides in Los Angeles and is a frequent performer at the world famous Magic Castle. His television appearances include A&E's Magic Castle After Dark and USA's Ready For The Weekend. He's also worked as a television consultant on such shows as CSI:NY, Las Vegas, The Wizards of Weverly Place=2 0and is currently a magic advisor on the hit CBS show The Mentalist. Within the magic community, Jon's been featured in MAGIC, The Linking Ring, and M-U-M. He also appeared on the cover of the December 2004 Genii in an issue dedicated to his magic. In April 2007, following two years of nominations, Jon was named Close-Up Magician of the Year by the Academy of Magical Arts.
volume 1
What If? - A stunning effect that takes the standard "pick a card" trick out of its normal context and gives it real meaning for a spectator.
Red and Black - A powerful three-phase Oil & Water routine that utilizes the entire deck. Jon's touches make this a real worker!
Personal Organizer - A spectator's telephone number is revealed in a hopelessly mixed-up, face-up, face-down deck. This sensational effect is the finale of Jon's award-winning Magic Castle act.
Putting Things Together - A spectator finds a selected card under what seems to be impossible conditions. Jon combines two powerful concepts to create a very powerful trick.
Ice Cream You Scream - A business card miracle that happens in real time - and also when the spectator gets home with your card!
Ambitious Card - Jon's version of this venerable classic featuring cutting edge moves such as the Boxed Fold, a new style of Mercury Card Fold, the Gin Pi ck, an on-the-table Double Lift (complete with three additional tricks and ideas with this move), and Jon's Second Deal, said to be the best Push-Off Second Deal ever.
Running Time Approximately 2hrs 08min
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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