ARBITRIUM combines a Double Prediction with Any Card At Any Number (ACAAN) into a compelling and easy-to-follow plot that baffles audiences.
The performer removes a mystery, odd-backed lucky card from his wallet and isolates it. Two decks are then introduced -- a number deck and a standard deck of cards. Both decks are spread for the spectator to choose ANY card from each (they really do touch any card from each deck!). Next, instead of a tedious counting procedure found in most ACAANs, the performer retrieves the isolated lucky card, which is then turned over to show that it's not only a perfect match to the freely selected card, but it also has the chosen number permanently written on it! An exact coincidence -- proving that it truly is a lucky card!
Key Points:
- The description above is how the effect plays out every time (no "best case scenario")
- Very practical method
- Easy to do
- Resets in under 10 seconds
- Multiple versions taught, including variations with just one deck
- Can be adapted to a variety of other creative ideas aside from cards and numbers (such as names, drawings, logos, colors, etc.)
Here are a few quotes from reviews over at The Magic Cafe:
"This is a very practical-to-perform, strong, deceptive effect, and it uses a nice marriage of principles to make it all work." - Matt "Mayavi" Packard "Well structured and thought-out routine. An effect I predict that all, or at least most, will use if the ACAAN plot is your thing... It won't end up at the bottom of a magic drawer... Recommended!"- Rizzo "If you have no issues with doing a one-time setup and carrying two decks specific for this effect, then this is a very interesting piece that is guaranteed to floor spectators." - ash2arani Format: 50-minute instant video download
Note: There is a one-time, easy DIY construction to setup the decks for the effect, which uses materials that most magicians likely already have.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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