This is what professionals call The Real Work. It's all revealed with the trademark technique pioneered by World Champion Magician Michael Ammar that features over-the-shoulder views that show exactly what your own hands should look like as you perform. You'll also discover The Real Secrets - beyond the technical methods, you'll learn why things work the way they do, how to make people care about the magic you perform, what to do if things go wrong, the best ways to improve your magic, how to create entertaining routines, how to be ready for any outcome, when to perform and when to quit, the basic rules and when to br4eak them, and much more - all from a world champion performer with 30 years of experience in teaching magic to other magicians!
Volume One - The Exciting World of Magic
Astonishing magical surprises using spoons, rubber bands, napkins, business cards, pencils, salt-shakers and more give you the power to entertain at any time at any table - at home of in a restaurant. Years of research went into gathering the very best of the professional-strength magic that can be learned by anyone truly committed to learning it. The Real Work has never been so carefully collected, so clearly explained, or taught so effectively. Ammar's love of magic and passion for teaching come together in this classic collection of some of his finest work.
Volume Two - Amazing Secrets of Card Magic
Those secrets empower you to amaze anyone with any deck of cards! From the very basic of card handling to flourishes and magic used by professionals, you'll be able to product any selected card, all four Aces or a full Royal Flush! Plus, you'll discover the secret to magically separating all the red from all the black cards, how to instantly cause a deck shuffled face up into face down cards to all face the same direction, and many other effects you'll want to perform for a lifetime!
Volume Three - Complete Introduction to Coin Magic
Imagine the thrill of knowing you can take any coin from your pocket and do incredible magic with it at any time, any place! True secrets for making coins disappear and reappear just about anywhere over and over - in the coolest ways! Technique after technique, routine after routine - you'll be amazed by how much magic you already have in your pockets! With slow motion and extreme close-up views of step-by-step instructions, there has never been a better system for mastering true sleight of hand.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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