The Ambitious Card is one of those rare things in magic - a "perfect" effect. It is quick and easy to understand, yet has variations limited only by your imagination. The performance transcends all language barriers and can be as simple or as complicated as you wish. Freestyle routining makes this effect a little like playing jazz - once you have mastered the basic theme, you can weave in and out of it to create a unique and personalized rendition for each performance. Here you have the chance to witness the live performance of Daryl's entire gold medal-winning F.I.S.M. routine. Daryl also demonstrates and explains dozens of additional tips and subtleties he has created and refined over many years to allow you to be the best you can be. And, for the first time ever, Daryl reveals the real work on the most amazing finale to this routine - Daryl's Ultimate Amibition Improved!
Daryl's Gold Medal F.I.S.M. Routine - Riffle Shuffle Control; Triple Lift; Snap Double Life (Larry Jennings); The Double Lift Build Up (Verne Chesbro); Brrrrtttt! (Bruce Elliott); The Top Change; For The Unambitious (Edward Marlo); The Double Whammo; Deck Switch (Daryl); The Bluff Pass (Paul LePaul); Topper (Frank Garcia & Bill Spooner);Tilted and Turned (Daryl); Up the Falls; Thin Ambitious (Daryl & Edward G.).
Additional Techniques - Control Knockout; The Center Double Life (Jack Avis); The Hofzinser Spread Pass (J.N. Hofzinser); To Boldly Go; The Push-In Change (A. Roterberg, Hatton & Plate, Frederick Braue); The Ambitious Miracle Change (Edward Marlo); The Tip-Over Change (Jack Merlin); The Tiltless Tilt; Bluff Insertion from the Front (Irv Weiner); The Daily Leaper (Dr. Jacob Daley); The Impromptu Duplicate; Four - Fifths of the Truth (Phil Goldstein); Ambitious Movie (Roy Walton); A One-Handed Sequence (Daryl); Mexican Turnover Top Change Second Deal (Daryl); Diminishing Lift Sequence (Edward Marlo & Daryl); Flustration Count (Brother John Hamman); The Trick That Fooled Houdini (Dai Vernon); The Gaffless Houdini-Fooler (Daryl); Nothing Changes (Rick Anderson); The Ambitious Twins (Frederick Braue, Jean Hugard, Daryl); Ambitious One Way (Daryl); The Paintbrush Change (Stanley Collins & Dai Vernon); The Pop-Up Card (Frederick Braue).
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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