Alex Elmsley is, quite simply, one of the all-time great close-up creators. And the Tahoe Sessions is, as you would expect, one of the great video collections ever recorded. We're so happy that, in 1998, Louis Falanga captured Alex Elmsley on tape. Elmsley IS worthy of the hype, and then some. He is older here, yet the magic he performs looks FLAWLESS, and he exudes the energy and wisdom of the legend he clearly was. These four downloads are essential viewing for the close-up student, and anyone unfamiliar with the genius of Alex Elmsley stands to be fooled badly by his principles.
The sheer wealth of extraordinary card tricks on these four volumes makes it a great value. On all four volumes you will see tricks that were groundbreaking in their own time and continue to spawn variations today: "Between Your Palms," "Diamond Cut Diamond," "Dazzle," and a dissertation on all the early Elmsley count material.
Does Elmsley still have chops? Yes! Just watch his insanely clean (and difficult) rear-palm card to wallet, or his fan steal. He was such a gifted technician and creator. And although he isn't a strong force of personality, his charm and wit come through well.
Watch for his Cups and Balls. Whether or not you use his method, you'll love the ingenuity that went into his bizarre final load, in which he pours TONS of loose salt from all the cups. Also watch for "Dazzle," an early and perhaps BEST PACKET TRICK OF ALL TIME. And for the best two-deck effect ever invented, look no further than "The Red and the Blue."
Volume One
Four Card Trick
New Four Card Trick
Interview - Early Days
Twisters Flush
One Poor Lion
Separating the Men from the Boys
Interview - The Professor
Power Poker
Spectator Aces
Economy Class Departure
Interview - Vernon and the Ghost Count
Volume Two
1002nd Aces
Repulsive Aces
The Elmsley Rising Card
Interview - The Faro Shuffle
Interview - More on the Faro
The Floating Ladies
Volume Three
Fan Prediction
The Red and the Blue
Interview - Presentation
A Strange Story
Color Filter
Interview - Stage Manipulation
Multiplying Aces
En Voyage
Color-Changing Faro Shuffle
Interview - What is Good Magic?
Moveless Follow the Leader
Card to Wallet
Volume Four
Fate's Datebook
Diamond Cut Diamond
Interview - Creativity
Pack of Lies
Half-Pack Vanish
Torn & Restored Newspaper
Between Your Palms
Multiple Mind Reading
The Four Blanks
Interview - An Encounter
The Cups & Balls
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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