Rsvpmagic are very proud to release this 3 volume set by our long time friend Wayne Dobson. This is without doubt our largest project to date with all three videos running in at just under SIX HOURS in length, featuring some 17 routines that can now be performed in either stage, parlour or close-up situations.
Welcome to Volume 1 of Wayne Dobson's "Life In Magic". Join Wayne and his special guests Matthew J. Dowden, Mark James and Michael J. Fitch as they all perform and teach some of Wayne's signature routines that made him a world magic star. See these classic routines performed on stage by Wayne and then watch as they're performed in bars and restaurants to a whole new audience.
5 CARD REPEAT - Wayne's superb take on this classic piece of magic. Super fast, snappy and the perfect opener!
RINGFLASH - Watch as Mark James takes this great piece of magic into a close-up setting and wows the crowds. Fast set-up, practical, spectacular and instant re-set... what more could you want?
BANANA DRAMA - Wayne's classic Bill routine that was the original forerunner to his famous Note In Wallet Routine. Watch both the stage and close-up versions that get equally huge reactions.
NAILED - Wayne's simple and easy-to-do routine that packs a killer punch. When you see the reactions YOU WILL add this to your working set.
GUESSTIMATION - A superb card effect that's tipped here on video for the first time. Easy-to-do, but oh so clever in both effect and impact.
Bonus Material includes:
Running Time Approximately: 2hrs
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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