Welcome to Volume 2 of John Carey's 24Seven Project.
Featuring 12 stunning routines that you will use and suitable for all magicians, this is magic that packs a kicker punch!
"Practical and powerful! John's entire Handle With Carey series is a must for all cardicians. John strikes gold with his novel combination of doable, powerful and entertaining card magic."
- John Guastaferro
Featured routines on Volume 2 include:
1. Color opener - John's take on the classic in the hands triumph with a color-changing kicker
2. S.W.I Interchange - A four 4 four pocket transposition. Minimum work maximum impact.
3. It's all a mystery - Carey's take on the classic mystery card, again designed for the real world.
4. Gemini production - An almost self-working production of a four of a kind involving a spectator
5. Homing in - Carey's take on an old classic, involving a divination and a card to pocket combined.
6. Impulsive revelation - A great hands off discovery of a selected card using a two people from your audience. Makes the spectator the star.
7. 3 thoughts 3 located - A beautiful hands off discovery involving, tells, memory and thoughts
8. When Nyquist met Lorayne - A very strong and subtle approach to the classic sandwich plot. A favorite of Jack Carpenter's
9. Interlocking sandwich - More of John's very direct thinking applied to this classic of card conjuring:
10. An impossible Conclusion - Carey meets Jennings in this beautiful 3 phase revelation inspired by an all time great
11. Triple Triumphant - A 3 selection approach to Triumph with a minimum of moves but maximum impact
12. On the count of... - A signed selection vanishes in a spectator's hand only to appear at a freely chosen number. Powerful and practical
Running Time Approximately: 2hrs
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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